Family Home(page)sick

“Home(page)sick” Exercise

In the course of creating this blog/website for class, I toyed with the idea of making my “about” page the static homepage. I ended up going with the default setting (what you see right now: the homepage is the blog itself) because every blog entry is easily accessible and I didn’t want potential blog visitors to be thrown off by the static “about” page*.

The second half of this assignment is confusing (to me). If you Google “homepage”, the Wikipedia article for homepage is one of the first tangible results to appear. Several of the results are merely homepages for internet services like and, though the appearance of NASA seems relatively out of place.

If I were to choose my favorite homepages I’d simply go with my top visited websites. Twitter and Tumblr have appealing homepages to me because they incorporate the community with the fluid “dashboard” and “twitter feed” aspects while also giving the individual user the ability to interact on a variety of levels, from “liking” and “favoriting” to “tweeting” and posting.

*EDIT: Upon further thought, I decided to go ahead and change the format of my site entirely. The homepage is now a static welcome page that details the purpose of the blog in addition to containing links to every completed blog post. I’m pretty happy with this change.

By Kathryn

KATIE is a twenty-something held together with iced coffee and her wits. She writes personal confessions and pop culture chronicles.

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